Go to Bogor Botanical Gardens From Train Station

Assuming that you will come to Bogor using a commuter line train, I will explain how to go to Bogor Botanical Gardens.

For an explanation about how to reach Bogor using Commuter Line Train, perhaps you can see my writing about Travel by Commuter Line Train.

Now that you have exited the Bogor Train Station, you have two options how you can reach Bogor Botanical Gardens.

There are three entry gates of the Gardens. Two in Juanda Street and one in Pajajaran Street. The nearest gates friom Bogor Train Station are the ones in Juanda Street.

Go to Bogor Botanical Gardens by public transportation (angkot)

The targets are two gates in Juanda Street.

go to Bogor Botanical Gardens from train station
The situation in front of exit gate of train station

In front of the exit gate, you will find many minivan in bright green and numbers near the driver cockpit. They are angkots, Bogor public transportation.

Please seek the one with Red 02 painted on its face side. This angkot is the one you must take.

The fare is Rp. 3,500.- / person at the time this writing is made.

This angkot will bring you to the two entry gates I mentioned above. You can tell the driver by saying “Kebun Raya” (Great Gardens) or post office.

go to Bogor Botanical Gardens from train station
The entry gate next to post office

What you say will bring you to the first entry point of the Gardens. It is located next to old Bogor Post office (it still operates now).

The gate is the West Gate near the Old Dutch Graveyard.

However if you want to enter from the main gate that is shown by the first picture you saw on this writing, you must go further.

Just another 5 minutes , depending on street traffic.

You will need to ask the driver to stop around 100 meter from the main entry point. The street will be divided into two and the angkot will move to another direction.

After you get off , just walk along the pavement and you will immediately see the gate.

Go to Bogor Botanical Gardens on foot

go to Bogor Botanical gardens from train station
Hat Park

The target is the post office entry gate

Exiting the station, please turn left.

Walk along the pavement until you see a park full with “hat” figure. This place is called as Hat Park (Taman Topi)

Please cross the street and you will find Bogor Police Headquarters.

Follow the sidewalk , to the same direction as you did to reach Hat Park. It means to East. This sidewalk will take you to the end of Kapten Muslihat Street.

At the end of the street, you can see the fence of Bogor Palace. This means your destination is already near only couples of hundreds meters only.

At the T-junction,please take right. This street name is Juanda Street.

You have to let your foot work a bit more until you reach the post office mentioned before.

It takes only 15-20 minutes for me to walk following this route. So if you can walk faster than me, it can be shortened.

However I am not sure you can. The reason is because if you go to Bogor Botanical Gardens on foot, you will see many interesting places such as Zebaoth Church known as Rooster Church or Cathedral Church.

Anyway, this is the explanation about how to go to Bogor Botanical Gardens from Bogor Train Station.

I hope it helps.

Mari Berbagi

9 thoughts on “Go to Bogor Botanical Gardens From Train Station”

  1. Pak saya dari Jakarta Utara saya ingin ke Bogor kira2 bisa gk pak untuk sekarang tiketnya ada gk buat tujuan ke Bogor teru

    • Setahu saya Kebun Raya Bogor masih tutup selama masa pandemi Corona. Kalau tiket kereta setahu saya masih ada tetapi juga dibatasi. Silakan pergi saja langsung ke stasiun Commuter LIne kalau mau ke Bogor, meski saya sarankan tetap di rumah saja dulu selama masa pandemi Corona

  2. Slmat malam pak..
    saya mau tnya..kalau darai st.kebayoran mau ke st.bogor
    saya mau ke kebun raya.. itu keberangakatan jam brp? Apakah ada transit dan naik angkot apa utk smpai ke kebun raya? Terima kasih

  3. Thank You very much, the information given is very clear and useful. Are there different types of commuter trains from Jakarta to Bogor examles like Non AC, AC, Normal and Express AC?

    • Dua kali. Sekali dari bekasi ke manggarai atau Jatinegara. Yang mana saja sama.

      Dari manggarai atau jatinegara ambil yang ke arah bogor dan berhenti di citayam

  4. Comment: selamat sore… pa, klo mau ke st.nambo dr st.kemayoran rute CL nya gmn ya? Tlg info jam keberangkatannya ya pa.. Mksh 🙂

    • Kalau dari stasiun Kemayoran, cukup tunggu CL yang langsung menuju ke arah Bogor. Turun di Angke atau Duri lalu tinggal tunggu CL yang ke Nambo.

      Jadwalnya antara jam 7.03, 8.01, 14.04, 15.03

      Makasih kembali


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