The above picture won’t be attractive for the ones who look for tourism destination or food in Bogor. It is something that is commonly found everywhere in Indonesia. However, since this posting is to show the way of life of Bogorian, the photograph taken in Dramaga road, 2022, shouldn’t be neglected.
Because it is related with the life of many people in the city.
The story behind is that in Indonesia, including Bogor, the government has decided to encourage its people to leave kerosene for cooking since many years ago. It’s expensive and became big burden for the country financial.
As the replacement, the government through PT Pertamina (Indonesia National Oil Company) provided LPG or Liquid Petroleum Gas. It’s much cleaner, abundant volume, and much cheaper than kerosene.
Unfortunately, the Indonesian Gas Company has very limited pipe network. In Bogor itself, there are some pipeline network but not all areas are covered . Most of the reached areas are located near the center of the city. Therefore, as a solution, the gas is compressed into tubes that it can be distributed anywhere.
There are several kinds of tubes depending on the targeted user. The blue is for customer who can pay normal prices , usually containing 12 Kilograms of LPG and the bright green for the low income people, with only 3 kilograms content. The green ones is subsidized by the government and the price is lower.
So, the picture of a pick up carrying bright green tubes represent, or tell a bit one way of Bogorian’s life, specifically about how they can get fuel to cook their meals.
That’s a short story I would like to tell by posting this picture as you may find quite a lot truck or the same vehicle whenever you come to Bogor.