The picture is the previously entry gate of Bogor Railway Station. I said “previously” because after modernization of the place, the main gate was moved to southern area.
As you can see above its archway, there is a year mentioned, 1882. This is the year formally agreed as the completion of the train station.
Yes, it was built more than 130 years ago when Dutch occupied this archipelago.
During the century, the colonialist government considered that travelling by horse or horse cart from Batavia (now known as Jakarta, the Capital of Indonesia) to Buitenzorg (the former name of Bogor) was too tiring.
Almost Sixty kilometer muddy road had to be went through on the horse back was torturing. Therefore, they developed railway line between both cities.
It was back to 1872 when the line between the two cities completed and the original station in Bogor was set up. However, no longer after that in 1881, the new station was developed. This new train station is the one now becomes the Bogor Railway Station.

The Europe architectural style influenced a lot the shape of the building. The pillar, the roof and also some other parts of the structure imitated what was happening in Europe at that time.
The Bogor Railway station was and still is the end of the railway line between Bogor and Jakarta since the first time. It also served for the last destination for a train to Sukabumi.
Nowadays, more than 300 train trips use the station as either departure or arrival station. More than 400,000 passengers are served by the station.

The Bogor Railway Station has been modernized to accommodate the needs of commuter between Jakarta and Bogor. The original entry gate (as shown on the above picture) has been moved south.
The system has also used electronic ticketing replacing the old paper ticket. The environment has been also renovated to become passenger friendly with cleaner and more proper facilities.
The original structure, due to its long history has been decided to be kept unchanged. It has been assigned as one of cultural heritage of the city.
You will see the station when you come to Bogor using Commuter Line Train Service.